How Billionaire Couple Tegan and Brian Acton Are Giving in the Bay Area and Beyondīrian and Tegan Acton, in their 40s and worth some $3 billion, are among a new cohort of Silicon Valley donors engaging in major philanthropy. Though the Actons have broadened their work, Sunlight Giving, the largest of the family’s three charities, remains laser-focused on 10 local counties in the Bay Area. Acton philanthropy tries to eliminate reporting burdens so that organizations can just focus on their vital work. Part of putting power in the hands of grantees involves accounting for the power differential in philanthropy. One way the Actons try to advance these aims is by providing general operating support.

Acton philanthropy is driven by a set of values that believe in advancing equity, shifting power, and building mutually accountable relationships. Trust-based philanthropy and general operating support.Tegan Acton says this allows the foundation to maintain a common language and common set of values. With around a dozen staff combined between its three sister entities, staff and board members are able to sit around a table and have direct conversations. However, these charities also avoid the normal trappings of DAFs, publishing grants, and honoring a minimum payout as if they were foundations. Donor-advised funds. Acton Family Giving and Solidarity Giving are donor-advised funds set up at Fidelity Charitable that allow them to take payouts and focus more of that money into the grants.5 Practices Wildcard Giving Has Embraced to Achieve Its Goals